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Our school presented its activities on Earth Day

Our school commemorates the Earth Day every year. This year the second-grade students created various activities, playful cards and educational materials to raise awareness of the Earth Day. The theme for this annual event was: Fly, little bird, fly.
The priority was to create tools and activities that would interest both the younger and the older ones. It was presented to other schools in Ostrava at the meeting in Bělský Forest.
A part of the project was also an international online meeting with pupils from partner’s schools participating in COGEW project. Our pupils 8. B and 8. C played Kahoot quiz with the environmental topic including also facts and video about endangered species. Pupils definitely enjoyed the game although they did not win.
One of them said: ”It was well-spent time and we are looking forward to seeing each other in Greece personally.”

Our native speaker takes also part in several school events like Earth Day. He is financially supported by city Ostrava.
JJ + 9.B pupils

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BS Snake