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Erasmus+: START: The Role of Students and Their Involvement in Environmental Support


The purpose of the START project is to share best practices, engage in joint discussions, explore and combine proven methods related to formal and informal educational approaches. The aim is to create a guide on how to effectively implement climate change education in schools and raise awareness of this issue among students. The resulting interactive book will include concepts addressing emotions associated with climate change, terms such as eco-anxiety, and intergenerational or intercultural approaches to climate change.

Participants: Agrupamento de Escolas de Castro Verde (Portugal), ZŠ a MŠ B. Dvorského Ostrava-Bělský Les (Czech Republic), and PASOS (Spain).

For more details about the project, please visit its website: https://ongpasos.com/start/.

Children of a Green World


Link to the Project Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Project Number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000085973
Implementation Period: 09/2022 – 08/2024
Total Budget for B. Dvorského Elementary and Nursery School within the Project: 28,262 Euros
Target Group: Students aged 10 – 14 years, teachers, parents
Involved Countries: Czech Republic – coordination, Latvia, Turkey, Greece, Spain
Project Objective:
– To support students and educational professionals in developing key competencies that promote environmental protection.

Planned Activities/Outputs:
– Competition for the project logo
– Project website
– Associated eTwinning project
– Joint book “Stories of Our Ancestors,” in which witnesses from school communities describe environmental situations that occurred in the past and examples of their resolution, showcasing evident positive or negative impacts. The book will serve as inspiration for addressing past environmental issues.
– Multilingual dictionary focused on environmental topics
– All partner schools will create a small biotope in their school gardens, providing a refuge for birds, insects, and smaller animals through planted trees and shrubs.
– Organization of 2 international project meetings focused on project coordination
– Organization of 5 international educational activities for teachers on various ecological topics (Greece – recycling, reducing plastic use; Latvia – forest restoration, flora and fauna; Czech Republic – water conservation, ecological disasters; Turkey – energy and pollution, impacts of global warming on cultural heritage).

Green Little Heroes


Implementation Period: 10/2022 – 10/2024
Total Budget for B. Dvorského Elementary and Nursery School within the Project: approximately 10,000 Euros
Target Group: Children from kindergarten, primary school students, teachers, parents
Involved Countries: Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Greece
Project Objectives:
– Foster children’s relationship with the environment, promoting “green skills” and raising awareness of the need for environmental protection.
– Provide teachers with ideas and simple guides to change habits and behave environmentally friendly.
– Connect different generations, cultures, and social backgrounds to collectively strive for the protection of natural wealth.
– Increase awareness among partner organizations and their local communities about recycling, the possibilities of reuse (e.g., packaging materials), stimulate interest in environmentally friendly tourism, etc.

Planned Activities/Outputs:
– Project logo
– Project journal summarizing project activities
– Project website
– Utilization of the eTwinning platform as a resource for processed materials
– Multilingual tourist guide created by each partner organization, featuring children’s selected and favorite tourist destinations
– Simple application for recording positive environmental actions
– Electronic handbook for elementary school teachers and preschool educators containing videos showcasing best practices, teaching materials, and games supporting awareness and environmental protection competencies.
– Organization of events spreading information about the project and awareness of environmental issues called “green days”
– Organization of online project meetings
– Organization of 5 international educational activities with these themes (Czech Republic – ecology and ICT elements, Croatia – nature relationship development games, Estonia – reduction of excessive use of natural resources (reduce), reuse, recycle, Greece – environmentally friendly tourism, Slovenia – ecology, healthy food, and solidarity).
– Organization of an international final conference.

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